Yesterday by Iel

domingo, 2 de fevereiro de 2014

I was sure...

I was sure that God would have mercy on me . It was the day of mercy ... The disappointment and rebellion were huge !

Samuel , chapter 12 : 15-23 says, " ... and the boy became seriously ill . David besought the Lord for the boy , fasted , stood next to him and began to lay all night on the ground . The elders of his house tried to lift him , but he refused and would not eat anything with them . Seven days later the boy died ... David saw that his servants were whispering among themselves and he realized that the boy had died . Then he said : The boy died? They said : He is dead. Then David arose from the ground , washed and perfumed and changed . After entered the sanctuary of the Lord and fell . Then came home , ordered to serve the meal and ate . The servants asked ... David said : While the child was alive, I fasted and wept , thinking maybe the Lord had mercy on me and the boy stayed cured . But now he is dead. Why should I fast? Will it do it again ? I do I get to where he is, but he shall not return to me. "

I had the feeling of David , that everything was worthless as for nothing he would come back again. But he keeps coming back in my mind and how I want to go where he  I should follow God and cultivate faith . Faith nurtures healing and gives hope !

Because as the famous Brazilian Father Reginaldo Manzzoti says, " the righteousness of God is manifested in the resurrection. Death is not the end point . "

But crying and whining is not the solution. Weu need to react, to live again, following with faith!

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