There is today's time that focuses on the now, the present minute.
But there is also today with an eye on yesterday. This reveals a path to get in touch with what cannot be changed. Therefore it is harmful and useless.
There is also today's time with an eye in the future. The future may not be as we would like but any way thinking about the future can be good because it can be motivating. Although it doesn't always go as planned. But we must not think about the future that will not happen because of the past.
The best thing for our mental health and to live today in peace as our children would like, is to bring our children to today in everything. My son being carried in my heart and in my mind where I go is the solution.
With our seed in mind everyday seems easier and brilliant. We forget the guilt and pain and can enjoy the time here with him/her.
After all, mothers can see with the eyes of their hearts.