Nada faltava
A família estava completa: dois meninos
e uma menina.
Todos lindos, todos inteligentes
Nada faltava
Agora falta...
Falta o abraço do filho mais velho, seu
sorriso, suas brincadeiras...
Mas no meu coração ele está presente
A saudade aperta
E tudo que eu queria era um abraço
apertado dele agora
Pena que coração não abraçe
É lá onde está escondido
Mas consigo vê-lo em meu pensamento e
sentí-lo no coração
Não só eu mas todas as mães conseguem
Nos transportamos no pensamento para
momentos inesquecíveis
O coração continua batendo forte e firme
carregando o filho que falta
E assim permanecerá nesta vida
Nothing was missing
The family was complete: two boys and one girl.
All beautiful, all intelligent
Nothing was missing
Now it's missing ...
I miss the hug of the eldest son, his smile, his jokes ...
But in my heart he is present
I miss him. All I wanted was a tight hug from him now
Too bad heart doesn't hug
That's where he is hidden
But I can see him in my mind and feel him in my heart
Not only me but all mothers can
We move in thought to unforgettable moments
The heart is still strong and steady beating carrying the missing son
And so it will remain in this life
The family was complete: two boys and one girl.
All beautiful, all intelligent
Nothing was missing
Now it's missing ...
I miss the hug of the eldest son, his smile, his jokes ...
But in my heart he is present
I miss him. All I wanted was a tight hug from him now
Too bad heart doesn't hug
That's where he is hidden
But I can see him in my mind and feel him in my heart
Not only me but all mothers can
We move in thought to unforgettable moments
The heart is still strong and steady beating carrying the missing son
And so it will remain in this life