Yesterday by Iel

sábado, 26 de janeiro de 2013

Que diferença faz agora?

A pergunta acima (What difference at this point does it make?) da Secretária de Estado dos Estados Unidos Hilary Clinton repercutiu no mundo inteiro  e foi na verdade uma resposta  ao senador republicano  Ron Johnson, que argumentava que ela poderia ter evitado o atentado que matou quatro americanos, no consulado Benghazi na Líbia.
O que aconteceu, aconteceu e precisamos conviver com a nova realidade. O mais difícil mesmo é a despedida. Despedidas machucam, porque trazem consigo aquele travo de definitivo, de nunca mais, que relutamos...
Pensando bem a vida é feita de despedidas. Nos despedimos das bonecas, dos amigos quando nos mudamos, de hábitos, de empregos, de livros, de pessoas queridas, de colegas de classe. Estamos constantemente nos despedindo embora jamais possamos nos acostumar com facilidade.  
Mas o bom de tudo isso é que tudo o que tivemos e passamos faz parte do que hoje somos, então faz parte de nós! Nossos amados filhos então, nem se fala... Eles se integraram ao que somos e assim fazem parte de nossa essência e carregamos conosco para sempre.
De fato, nada faz diferença agora. Nossos amados estão e sempre estarão tatuados em nossos corações. A diferença que podemos fazer, enquanto aqui estamos, é ter consciência disso, assumir uma atitude positiva e descortinar novos caminhos com paz no coração.

What difference at this point does it make?

The above question of the Secretary of State Hilary Clinton reverberated worldwide and was actually a response to Republican Senator Ron Johnson, who argued that she could have prevented the attack that killed four Americans at the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
What happened, happened and we need to live with the new reality. The hardest is the same farewell. Goodbyes hurt, because bring the taste of definitive, never more and we relutate...
Life is made up of farewells. We said goodbye to dolls, friends when we moved, habits, jobs, books, loved ones, classmates. We are constantly firing though we can never get used to easily.
But the good thing about all this is that everything that we had is part of what we are today, then are part of us! Our beloved children then, not to mention ... They became part of what we are and thus are part of our essence and we carry with us forever.
In fact, nothing makes a difference now. Our loved ones are and always will be tattooed on our hearts. The difference we can do while we're here, is to be aware of this, take a positive attitude and uncover new paths with peace in the heart.

domingo, 20 de janeiro de 2013

Resignation with Resilience

Resignation means to settle peacefully the new reality. It is a fact that conform to situations is not a typical attitude of one who has always struggled: at work, in the studies illness or for any other  situation.But given what we now have, the more rational is the resignation that, as a wise friend told me, is much deeper than acceptance. But not just resignation. Is Resignation with resiliency.Resignation refers to a situation of bowing before a fact that damage us internally. We need to go beyond that to achieve reaction. We need resilience. Like a high jump pole we bowed down until our limit and we can not break to be able to return to our original shape, dissipating the stored energy that allows the release.The resignation has in it a sort of accommodation which is important given that what occurred is unchangeable. But it is also essential that the resilience leads to a reaction. In fact, if all the forces of nature competed and God, that can everything, permitted that our beloved departed before us, resignation with resiliency is the strategy to be followed to find a new path so that we can live in peace and go on the walk.If there is a purpose for everything it is useless to revolt, anger, bitterness or resentment that sometimes appear coated in a layer of nostalgia. Longing must be something good and not bad. Nobody has missed stub, or a tummy ache. We miss an exciting trip or a pleasant reunion with loved ones.Faced with something so devastating like what happened to us, it is essential to cultivate faith in God mainly because faith helps get the resignation with resiliency and gives hope of a reunion in the near future with our beloved ones.Our children are well next to the Fortified Tower:  "The Lord's name is a Fortified Tower to which the fair are welcome and are safe" Proverbs 18:10.We are the ones who need to be strong.