Destiny, fatality, fate or luck are considered synonyms.
If we believe in a destination with a path already laid out previously
and that we should at some point experiment,
so what good is all the effort since what happens was already foreseen?
And so much care or concern in putting on the belt if the accident would happen anyway?
And driving a motorcycle at high speed? If it's not fate, nothing bad happens.
If fate existed, everything would be simpler.
Nothing could be of concern or care since nothing would change the predicted.
But no. There is no destiy.
Some people survive accidents and unbelievable events.
Is it their destiny? Or were they chosen to survive?
Can be...
When Jesus came into the world he performed countless miracles.
Blind people saw, disabled people walked ...
Yet only a few have been healed
Several remained ill.
But if there is a choice what is the reason?
I do not know! What I do know is that some survive, others do not.
Miracles continue to exist when permitted.
The permission may be related to the mission of each one.
So we can think that our beloved children have fulfilled their mission.
Certainly now they enjoy the reward, in another dimension.