do Céu”
Amigos, acabo de ler o livro “Mapa do Céu” de autoria
do Dr. Eben
Alexander que é
um famoso neurocirurgião norte americano.
Ele teve uma experiência de quase morte e após esse epsódio
Resolveu declarar sua crença total em vida após a morte
Esse na verdade é o segundo livro do autor.
No primeiro, “Prova do Céu”, ele conta o que aconteceu
E o que viu e sentiu em sua experiência de quase morte
Nesse segundo ele cita vários autores, filósofos e
Certamente o Dr. Eben recebeu críticas por sua postura
não materialista
Admiro a coragem dele
A seguir algumas das citações do livro para nossa
“...enquanto não
tiver experimentado morrer para então germinar, não
Passaremos de
hóspedes atormentados nessa terra sombria.” Johann Wolfgang
“O fiel, não é
meramente um homem que testemunhou verdades desconhecidos para o infiel;
Ele é um homem mais forte. Ele sente que possui
mais força dentro de si , seja para suportar as tribulações da existência, seja
para superá-las. É como se estivesse acima das aflições do mundo, pois foi
elevado para além de sua mera condição humana” Émile Durkhein
“O supremo
destemor de Sócrates diante da morte era resultado do conhecimento do que do que a morte realmente é: não um fim, mas um retorno ao verdadeiro lar.” Eben
Essas afirmações me lembram a famosa e linda frase de São Francisco de Assis: "É morrendo que se vive para a vida eterna."
Isso é mais do que um consolo e uma esperança: é uma certeza que a fé nos oferece
Essas afirmações me lembram a famosa e linda frase de São Francisco de Assis: "É morrendo que se vive para a vida eterna."
Isso é mais do que um consolo e uma esperança: é uma certeza que a fé nos oferece
"Map of Heaven"
Friends, I have just read the book "Map of Heaven"
Friends, I have just read the book "Map of Heaven"
Authored by Dr. Eben Alexander who is a famous
North American neurosurgeon.
He had a near death experience after that
He decided to declare his total belief in life after death
This is actually the second book of the author.
In the first, "Proof of Heaven," he tells what happened
And what he saw and felt in his near-death experience
In the second he mentions several authors, philosophers and scientists
Certainly Dr. Eben received criticism for its not materialistic attitude
I admire his courage
The following are some of the quotes from the book for our reflection:
"... While we have not experienced die so we can germinate, we are only tormented guests in this dark earth. "Johann Wolfgang
"The faithful, is not merely a man who witnessed unknown truths to the not faithful;
He is a strong man. He feels he has more strength within yourself to support the tribulations of existence and overcome them. It's like he’s above the afflictions of the world because he was high beyond his mere human condition "Émile Durkhein
"The supreme fearlessness of Socrates before the death was the result of knowledge of what it really is: Not an end, but a return to the true home" Eben Alexander
He had a near death experience after that
He decided to declare his total belief in life after death
This is actually the second book of the author.
In the first, "Proof of Heaven," he tells what happened
And what he saw and felt in his near-death experience
In the second he mentions several authors, philosophers and scientists
Certainly Dr. Eben received criticism for its not materialistic attitude
I admire his courage
The following are some of the quotes from the book for our reflection:
"... While we have not experienced die so we can germinate, we are only tormented guests in this dark earth. "Johann Wolfgang
"The faithful, is not merely a man who witnessed unknown truths to the not faithful;
He is a strong man. He feels he has more strength within yourself to support the tribulations of existence and overcome them. It's like he’s above the afflictions of the world because he was high beyond his mere human condition "Émile Durkhein
"The supreme fearlessness of Socrates before the death was the result of knowledge of what it really is: Not an end, but a return to the true home" Eben Alexander
These statements remind me of the famous and beautiful phrase of St. Francis of Assisi: "It is in dying that we are born to eternal life."
This is more than a consolation and a hope: it is a certainty that faith offers us
This is more than a consolation and a hope: it is a certainty that faith offers us