Before I believed that nothing bad could happen
That's why I dared! Was not afraid
After all, I thought nothing bad could happen at sea.
That there would be no problem or risk whatsoever in jumping from a 10-meter springboard
Cross the guajará bay, or jump with a parachute
It was joy and adrenaline to do pirouettes on the sand in a car at high speed
Moving to a foreign country taking the whole family
Throw everything up and venture into a new career
After all, what bad could happen?
Before I believed in all people
And mainly, I believed that for some reason, faith perhaps, I was shielded
After all, nothing fatal happened when our car rolled over three times on the road.
When I rode as a pillion rider on a motorcycle in a wind of more than 240 km per hour
Or when I did everything I mentioned before...
I took a risk and the risk gave me joy because I wasn't afraid.
So I didn't really consider that a risk could lead to a loss
Today I know that risk can lead to real and irreparable losses.
Today I'm afraid to dare and that's why I say I'm no longer a child.
Children are happy precisely because they are unaware of all the dangers
nor what bad things might happen.
I was like that for many years
But at some point in my life, I lost my innocence and gained the fear of losing.
That's why I say I'm not a child anymore
But Jesus said that only those who are like children enter the kingdom of heaven.
So somehow I have to try to recover the child that was lost inside me.