Yesterday by Iel

sábado, 25 de dezembro de 2021

It gets easier with the truth

Everything is easier if you believe the truth

The truth is Jesus Himself

Everything gets simpler and explained with Him.

He is the only King we must serve

 So why bother with what others say or think

 if all that matters is Him and only to him we must justify our actions

 With Him is easier to bear injustices and misunderstandings

 After all, it's up to Him to judge at the right time

He said that we are not of this world as He also ismot

If we believe this, we will be aware that

here is a moment of transition

to our definitive world where our beloved children are.


Fica mais fácil com a verdade


Tudo fica mais fácil se se acredita na verdade

A verdade é Jesus. Ele próprio disse isso

Tudo fica mais simples e explicado com Ele.

Ele é o Rei único a quem devemos servir

Então porque se preocupar com o que outros dizem ou acham

Se tudo o que importa é Ele e só devemos satisfação a Ele

Fica mais fácil suportar injustiças e desentendimentos

Afinal cabe a Ele o julgamento no momento certo

Ele disse que não somos desse mundo assim como Ele

Se acreditarmos nisso, verdadeiramente teremos consciência de que

aqui é um momento de passagem para nosso mundo definitivo

onde nossos filhos amados estão.

quarta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2021



Choose to be sad or happy

Choose to live or to die in life

Choose to keep trying or give up

Choose to stop or go

Choose while there is time for it

Because time may not be a choice

 The pilot carrying Marilia Mendonça no longer had time to change the route

My son Daniel had no way out of the sea on that sad day

 Whoever was deceived had no more time to give up

 Life presents ambushes and can cheat...

It cheats in such a way that sometimes there is no other possible choice

Choose to believe that your special someone is here and sees you and so choose to live

Create and be joyful! Your someone special would like it

Even if this is not true: if you think everything is really over and no one sees you, what's the use of your sadness?

Take courage and become important to someone with your example of joy.

Be like the birds! Even alone, sing with enthusiasm every morning and fly!

That is what I try to do every single day




Escolha ficar triste ou alegre

Escolha viver ou morrer em vida

Escolha permanecer tentando ou desistir

Escolha parar ou seguir

Escolha enquanto há tempo

Porque o tempo pode não ser uma escolha

O piloto que levava Marilia Mendonça não teve mais tempo de mudar a rota

Meu filho Daniel não teve mais como sair do mar naquele triste dia

Quem foi enganado não teve mais tempo de desistir

A vida apresenta emboscadas e pode trapacear...

Trapaceia de tal modo que as vezes não há mais escolha possível

Escolha acreditar que seu alguém especial está aqui e lhe vê e por isso escolha viver, criar e ser alegre. Seu alguém iria gostar.

Mesmo que não seja verdade, se você acha que tudo

Realmente acabou e que ninguém lhe vê, de que adianta a sua tristeza?

Crie coragem e se torne importante para alguém com seu exemplo de alegria.

Seja como os pássaros!

Mesmo sozinho cante com entusiasmo todas as manhãs e voe!

É o que eu tento fazer a cada dia

sábado, 9 de outubro de 2021



 I still miss you, but I found peace

 I keep getting sad but peace stays with me

 I don't feel cheated by life anymore,

I accept and appreciate what life gave me.

 I keep trying to improve because I found peace

I keep fighting for what I believe because I found peace

Peace makes me live well

And as I do know that peace is the greatest gift

 Such a great gift that Jesus himself left us,

And since I know that my son lives beside Jesus,

 I know he got from heaven to give me peace

 The peace that illuminates and sustains me

A Paz


Eu continuo com saudade, mas encontrei a paz

Eu continuo ficando triste, mas a paz fica comigo

Não me sinto mais trapaceada pela vida,

Aceito e agradeço o que ela me deu.

Eu continuo tentando melhorar, porque encontrei a paz

Eu continuo lutando pelo que acredito, porque encontrei a paz

A paz me faz viver bem

Como sei que a paz é o maior presente

Um presente tão grande que o próprio Jesus nos deixou,

E como sei que meu filho vive ao lado de Jesus,

Sei que ele conseguiu do céu me dar a paz

A paz que me ilumina e sustenta

domingo, 12 de setembro de 2021

Understanding I:


*Although it didn't last as long as we wanted,
the lives of those we love was and is a gift
because we carry in us the love they left behind
and that we continue to feel.
*True love is eternal and infinite!
Eternal, because it's forever and
Infinite because it's so deep it has no measure
*There are events that we will never be able to explain
Perhaps because they are out of our current human understanding
It may be that one day what is today's mystery will no longer be tomorrow
But other mysteries will emerge.
*Prefer to surround yourself with uncomplicated people who enjoy doing good
They do not judge and are naturally admired, they have their own light...
I'm like that because I was infected by the light of people like that
*People say that when in doubt, it is always better to do than not to do.
I'm not sure about that.
What I do know is that regret is usually left in both cases:
What we did because affected other people and oneself
And we have not done because the regret of what didn't happen remains
*Invest in yourself as a person and as a professional.
Investing in you as a person makes yourself and others better
Investing in you as a professional, you develop your talents
By doing so, friends, loves and money will come
*Be simple and enjoy small achievements
Look at the sky and plants, not just books or the computer
But don't waste your talents.
If used well, they will bring you many achievements.
*Never be overbearing, except with your money and yourself.
With your money to define what you should apply it to
And with you to avoid excesses and cultivate what is good for you
*sons and daughters are all those we pray for and wish the best
because if we do that we care and love
and there is no greater merit than loving
and no greater achievement than being loved by the children of blood and/or heart