Dear Friends, Today is a year and six months since my beloved son, my firstborn,
Daniel Rubio Carvalho Barbosa, went to heaven. I woke up desolate, sad and
crying a lot. I made my prayer of surrender to the Father, got up, washed my
tears, wear a shirt that has the face of my son Iel on it and went out looking
for a church here in Belém, state of Pará, where I came to visit my daughter and to participate
in the Cirio de Nazaré, which is a great event of faith in Brazil. On the way I was thinking about my beloved
son and how he would be today ... On the way back I walked into a newsstand and
came across a book whose title was "playing chess with the angels." I
got it as a message from him to me. That's what he's doing in heaven with the
angels playing chess! He is one of them and play chess was what he most loved
to do here! I'm better. Especially because of the cute messages for Teacher's
Day I had received from dear students. Kisses for everyone.
A mother who wants to share with others the pain and hope. This blog was created to give confort to mothers and fathers who suffer physical and momentary separation from their beloved sons. We dedicate this blog to our angel Daniel Rubio Barbosa Carvalho. Contact:
Yesterday by Iel
terça-feira, 15 de outubro de 2013
Mais um sinal
Queridos amigos, Hoje faz um ano e seis meses que meu amado
filho, meu promogênito, Daniel Rubio Barbosa Carvalho, foi para o céu. Acordei
desolada, triste e chorando muito. Fiz minha oração de entrega ao Pai, me
levantei, lavei as lágrimas, vesti uma camisa estampada com o rosto do Iel e sai à procura
de uma igreja aqui em Belém onde vim visitar minha filha e participar do Círio
de Nazaré. No caminho fiquei pensando no meu Iel e como ele
estaria...Na volta entrei em uma banca de revista e me deparei com um livro
cujo título era: "jogando xadrez com os anjos". Entendi como uma
mensagem dele para mim. É isso que ele está fazendo no céu: jogando xadrez com
os anjos. Ele é um deles e jogar xadrez era o que ele mais gostava de fazer
aqui! Estou melhor. Principalmente pelas lindas mensagens pelo dia do professor
que já recebi de alunos queridos. Beijos
em todos.
domingo, 13 de outubro de 2013
Síndrome da Ovelha Perdida
Na bíblia tem uma bonita passagem em Lucas que bem descreve
o que sentimos:
"Qual de vocês que, possuindo cem ovelhas, e perdendo
uma, não deixa as noventa e nove no campo e vai atrás da ovelha perdida, até
encontrá-la?”Lucas 15.
Temos outras ovelhas, outros filhos e pessoas que precisam
de nós. Mas sofremos da síndrome da ovelha perdida. Nos sentimos incompletos
porque não temos em nossas mãos aquela ovelha tão amada. Ela na verdade se
tornou mais importante do que todas as outras e a falta dela não tem fim. Não
aceitamos que ela se torne passado.
A única solução é carrega-la no coração hoje e sempre.
Assim, mudo minha análise de mundo. Hoje minha análise é positiva, o que é, e
não normativa, o que deveria ser. Assim, consigo ver algo de bom na espada que
transpassou meu coração: hoje não temo mais o amanhã nem vivo mais com a
ansiedade de antes.
Tenho uma conexão direta com outra dimensão e não sou mais
só terra. Me comunico intimamente com meu filho amado e sei que ele participa espiritualmente
comigo do presente. Somos e seremos eternamente
unidos no amor.
Syndrome of the Lost Sheep
the Bible has a beautiful passage in Luke that describes well what we feel :
" Which of you has a hundred sheep and loses one , does not leave the ninety -nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? " Luke 15 .
We have other sheep , other children and people who need us . But suffer from the syndrome of the lost sheep . We feel incomplete because we do not have in our hands that sheep so loved . He actually became more important than all others and lack of him has no end . We do not accept that becomes past.
The only solution is to carry him into the heart today and always . So I change my analysis world. Today my analysis is positive, what is, not normative , what should be . So, I can see something good in the sword that pierced my heart: today I no longer fear tomorrow or live longer with anxiety as before.
I have a direct connection to another dimension and I am no longer just land . I communicate closely with my beloved son and I know that spiritually he participates with me of the present. We are and we will be eternally united in love .
" Which of you has a hundred sheep and loses one , does not leave the ninety -nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? " Luke 15 .
We have other sheep , other children and people who need us . But suffer from the syndrome of the lost sheep . We feel incomplete because we do not have in our hands that sheep so loved . He actually became more important than all others and lack of him has no end . We do not accept that becomes past.
The only solution is to carry him into the heart today and always . So I change my analysis world. Today my analysis is positive, what is, not normative , what should be . So, I can see something good in the sword that pierced my heart: today I no longer fear tomorrow or live longer with anxiety as before.
I have a direct connection to another dimension and I am no longer just land . I communicate closely with my beloved son and I know that spiritually he participates with me of the present. We are and we will be eternally united in love .
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