Aprendi que não adianta
sofrer por coisas como dinheiro, trabalho e prestígio.
E houve um tempo que o
trabalho era considerado por mim minha mais importante missão! Como eu fui
Hoje chego a me divertir
assistindo a brigas e discórdias que não levam a nada e que não valem
absolutamente nada. Passo inócua e assisto impassiva a birras e revoltas. Todos
nós que passamos pelo que passamos estamos acima de tudo.
Estamos em um patamar superior
porque entendemos tudo com muita clareza e propriedade e mantemos um pé no
material e outro no espiritual. Só que o segundo para nós é agora muito mais relevante
do que o primeiro.
Fazemos o melhor possível no
trabalho e no dia-à-dia, mas não nos desesperamos mais com o que não vale à
pena. Graças aos nossos filhos hoje estamos acima de todas as infrutíferas
discórdias terrenas.
Fomos vacinados e não nos
desesperamos mais com ofensa ou ingratidão. O centro de nossas vidas é Deus. E
é Ele quem hoje cuida de nossos filhos.
“Não fique triste quando ninguém notar o que fez de bom
Afinal... O sol faz um enorme espetaculo ao nascer,e mesmo assim, a maioria de nós continua dormindo”
Afinal... O sol faz um enorme espetaculo ao nascer,e mesmo assim, a maioria de nós continua dormindo”
I learned that it is useless to suffer for things like money, work and prestige.
And there was a time that the work was considered by me my most important mission! How ridiculous I was!
Today I get to have fun watching the fights and disagreements that lead nowhere and are not worth anything. Step innocuous impassive and watch the tantrums and riots. All of us who sufferd so are above all.
We are on a higher level because we now understand everything very clearly and properly and keep one foot in the material and the other on the spiritual side. But the spiritual side for us is now more relevant than the first.
We do our best at work and day-to-day affairs, but not get in despair over what is not worth it. Thanks to our children today we are above all earthly strife fruitless.
We were vaccinated and do not get into despair with offense or ingratitude. The center of our lives now is God. And He is the One who takes care of our children today.
"Do not be sad when no one notice the good things one have done
After all ... The sun is a huge spectacle at birth, and even then, most of us still asleep "
Charles Chaplin
I learned that it is useless to suffer for things like money, work and prestige.
And there was a time that the work was considered by me my most important mission! How ridiculous I was!
Today I get to have fun watching the fights and disagreements that lead nowhere and are not worth anything. Step innocuous impassive and watch the tantrums and riots. All of us who sufferd so are above all.
We are on a higher level because we now understand everything very clearly and properly and keep one foot in the material and the other on the spiritual side. But the spiritual side for us is now more relevant than the first.
We do our best at work and day-to-day affairs, but not get in despair over what is not worth it. Thanks to our children today we are above all earthly strife fruitless.
We were vaccinated and do not get into despair with offense or ingratitude. The center of our lives now is God. And He is the One who takes care of our children today.
"Do not be sad when no one notice the good things one have done
After all ... The sun is a huge spectacle at birth, and even then, most of us still asleep "
Charles Chaplin