Today I went to Mass cebreting one month for the new life of the son of a dear friend of mine and a reading from the Book of Wisdom (4.7 to 15) I want to transcribe to you: "As for the righteous, even though he dies before the age, will enjoy home. The honor of old age does not come from a long life as life is not measured by the number of years. But wisdom is what makes the times of white hair, is a pure life that takes account of old age. He pleased God and was loved by Him, so God tranfered him from the middle of sinners where he lived. Was rapt so that malice will not corrupt the feeling nor the cunning pervertesse the soul: because the allure of addiction throws a veil over the moral beauty, and movement passions of a naive soul. Having come quickly to an end, come a long career. His soul was pleasant to the Lord so He withdrew quickly from the midst of wickedness. People who see this way of doing things do not understand, and not reflect this, that God's favor and his mercy are for his elect, and their assistance is among the faithful. "
This message speaks by in itself. It explains and console. We need to understand what to do to get over the pain transforming it increasingly in love. But this is only possible to achieve with the strengthening of faith. After all we have an obligation to grow as people after what we went through. The pain was not huge enough to overcome the love we feel.
That in 2013 we can all see clearly and with the grace of God. May God increase the faith that comforts and grant us peace! May the light of the Lord our God be with us all the days of the new year so we can continue fulfilling our mission while expect our children happy in eternity.
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