Yesterday by Iel

domingo, 15 de julho de 2012

Saint Francis of Assisi

Remember the teachings of Saint Francis of Assisi is to remember the sanctity of our beloved children. Thinking of each piece of the prayer of St. Francis I see how it conveys wisdom: 
Lord! Make me an instrument of your peace:To be an instrument you must win the peace that is the basis for a full life! 
Where there is hatred let me sow love, Where there is injury, pardon, Where there is discord, I may bring harmony:Hate, offense, discord are the opposite of love that leads to forgiveness and unity.
Where there is doubt, let me sow faith:We can not have doubts that our children are well loved and iin the arms of the Lord. We should believe and cultivate faith, only in this way we will achieve peace, love and forgive everyone and especially to ourselves. Only with faith we will leave the maze and find ourselves with Truth. 

Where there is error, I may bring truth. Where there is despair, let me sow hope, Where there is sadness, I may bring joy, Where there is darkness, let me bring light;Despair and sadness lead to the opposite path of light, rather than sterile, potentiates the suffering and undermines our being. 
O Divine Master, grant that I may seek rather to comfort, than to be comforted, to understand, than to be understood, to love, than to be loved:In reaching this situation we will be instruments in God's hands to spread the good and so our suffering has a meaning, it was for a good cause. The major cause of freeing people chained by the lack of faith, love and peace. We will be professors not only students and so we approach the Master of Masters 
It is in giving that we receive, It is in pardoning that we are pardoned:There is a reciprocity that allows for good contagion.
And is dying that we are born to eternal life:That last sentence of the prayer of the wonderful St. Francis of Assisi reveals the greatest mystery of our pain. Our children are now living the life eternal. That we hope to live one day when we meet again with them.

St. Francis of Assisi is the patron of animals and brought us many lessons! Our IEL loved animals. In particular dogs, especially the big ones even those found on the streets. His passion for animals was such that he could not eat meat and was against the killing of any animal for food. He was a vegetarian for that.
Three months ago our IEL left our midst. But I'll dry my tears. Mothers and fathers  let us dry our tears  and live in peace waiting the beautiful day when we will meet again our beloveds!

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