Yesterday by Iel

sábado, 29 de outubro de 2016

What matters is the balance

Now it was my father, my beloved dad
It happened a month ago, September 28
I read again and again this blog
And again I spent several reflections

I experienced again that life is
Simple and complex
Suffering and happiness
Cry and smile
Win and lose

Without each of these dimensions
Life is not full
And if you think life is beautiful
It's because you use a scale
Weighing everything: suffering,
Happiness, cry, smile,
Gains and losses and in the end ...
You lived, because all this is part

No one is only happy, and could not because we see much
Poverty and despair in the world
But no one is only sadness because
The joy of having a beloved far outweighs the sadness
of having physically lost
Because after all they are part of us
And are eternal as love

Nobody just cry! Because living includes good times
No one only smile because life is not a comedy
Sometimes you lose, tooth, money, opportunities ...
And every minute you lose a moment of life
But life itself is a gain!

That’s why, for everything I learned
 and for all we lived together
Thank you dear Father! Thank you Dad!

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