Yesterday by Iel

sábado, 9 de março de 2013

A goal

I am reading the book My Brother the Pope, who has a testimony of ex Pope Benedict's brother, Georg Ratzinger to Michael Hasemann. It established a book that is certainly very interesting and a nice mild description of the life of former Pope, told by someone who knows him closely.

In the book there is a description of some passages that makes clear the horrors of World War II also for the inhabitants of Germany that were against Nazism as was the case of the Ratzinger family. At one stretch Georg Ratzinger says after escaping the war and meeting again his family: "For me it was not by chance that we're all together again, but the will of God." Later complete: "The fact that we escapade unscathed so many difficulties in the war strengthened me so much as my brother in the conviction that God had plans for us."

Reading this excerpt strengthened my conviction that in everything there is a purpose, a goal. What happens is not a remedy of past debts or guilt that some might think or say and that the reading of the Old Testament may suggest in some stretches. If this was the case, would be Our ​​Lady Mother of God paying some blame passed to lose her son? This is not possible since she was the mother of God Himself!

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