Yesterday by Iel

sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2013

About Burden and Stations

Before I thought  was my burden was made of Cotton. Happily. I played in fields and nothing was heavy, all I did had the lightness of hope and every challenge for me was just a step before the conquest and victory.

Today, hope is gone, and everything seems heavy. I was never bored easily but now I surrender ... All that remains is to do exactly what Jesus taught:

"... Come to me all you who are tired of carrying the a heavy burden, and I will give you rest. Carry my load and learn from me, for I am meek and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your lives. For my burden is easy and my burden is light. "Matthew 11, 28-30.

I thought I would live in eternal spring, a beautiful life full of flowres or under an eternal and beautiful summer sun. Neither remembered that one day something would change. I forgot that the seasons do not last forever:

"You know any season that lasts forever? Every season has its days numbered with its pain and its charm as it has been. "Father Airton

My pain need to have its days numberes and I need to see the charm of this new station trusting God in order to have a light burden.

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