Yesterday by Iel

quinta-feira, 5 de julho de 2012

My joy is sad...

My joy is sad…

This fragment of a song by Roberto Carlos conveys what I feel now. It should not be allowed to any mother or father go through the grief of losing a child.

And again I found myself questioning the Lord. These thoughts are worldly and human as we are. But we have to raise the thought and believe that if God allowed it is because this was the time set by Him.

Neither I nor any mother lose! Jorge, nor any father lose! Our children are in a better place with our Father and the Mother of Heaven
What God wants is to see us
learning to be able
to be more cheerful,
in the midst of joy,
and even happier
 in the midst of sorrow!
Fragments of the book "Grande Sertão Veredas” by  Guimarães Rosa
In fact we have to decide: live today and believe!

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