Yesterday by Iel

sábado, 25 de junho de 2016


They say that man is a rational being. Since Max Weber or even before ever existed texts explaining or trying to explain what is to be rational. For some different attitudes may seem irrational as to be rational an action must have logic.
I am microeconomics professor and the whole basis of economic theory is based on rationality. From a consumer point of view, rational being is always prefer more than less and rational producer's point of view is to maximize profits. But then, what to think of the people that come off of any material good and deliver all his life to others as volunteers, or objectify without any profit. By chance would these be unreasonable people? No way. The rationale for such people is very much alive and the decision was very well thought out.
Exactly for being rational I decided to firmly believe that my son is fine. I do not say this lightly. I base myself in the Bible, a record made by people who witnessed the greatest mystery and the greatest blessing given to us: the promise of eternal life of our Lord Jesus Christ.
You who read what I write can say hey, and other religions that do not believe it? And what about those who do not believe anything? In Brazil, about 3.8% of the population, i.e., more than two million Brazilians have no religion.
Such persons must have some rationality to make such decisions. In fact it's up to each person to believe or not believe, and God can exist or not exist. But the fact is that if He exists and  you believed, you will as a reward in future life live in heaven and there have the reunion with your beloved that went before you. In this life you are already daily presented with the comfort and hope of eternal life.
So think like seems more rational because it makes much more sense.

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