Yesterday by Iel

sábado, 20 de julho de 2013


Since the order was reversed when you went before me
I guess I should also reverse some thoughts.
Instead of being sad because I am now 1 year and 3 months without you
I might think that now is missing less time to find you again.
I'll be happy every evening for another day lived
And instead of getting me whining because I miss your embrace
I will feel it in every breeze that touches my face
And hear your voice in every bird song I hear on the corner
I'll think of you at night with no regret
But thanking for all the good things that happens to me
because I know you gave your "little help" as you have prestige in heaven.
I will cherish you imagining that lovely and lighted place you are in
with a high grass and sitting beneath a shady tree
With your new friends, angels like you, and get to sleep in peace.
And above all, be happy and thank God always
For having had the joy of giving life here on earth someone so beautiful and so good.

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