Yesterday by Iel

sábado, 29 de setembro de 2012

God is Love

Each day I conclude new things. Today I concluded that there is no gradation of pain.

Just as there is no gradation of love.

 Regardless of how we separated from our loved ones,

if an accident, illness or otherwise, both the pain as love are immense.

The most that any feeling can translate.

A common point in the pain is the emptiness that take care of us and corrodes.

It hurts deeply the dismissal of so many plans that can no longer be performed.

Living without them is the biggest challenge of all.

It is in these moments that we need more faith.

The first step is to believe in Christ's promises and feel honored

by having known love through them. Since this love, so deep and perfect,

allowed us to know God.

The text below quoted from the Bible confirms: 

"Love is of God and everyone who loves is born of God

and knows God. Who does not love does not come to know God,

for God is love. (1 Jn, 4, 7-8)

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