Yesterday by Iel

quarta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2023

 When I was born, I had nothing and I made a living

When I made a living I thought I had everything Life ahead, plus many options... The world was mine and I could do anything Time passed and I tried to manage it, tame it over the years But time passes quickly and I quickly discovered that time does not belong to us and it's not even as long as it seemed But enough to discover that in fact, nothing belongs to us Not time, not children, not husband, not fathers, mothers, nor anyone we love. They are gifts! Gifts that are truly valuable and received for free Material goods belong to us because they were acquired and form part of a purchase and sale contract But this belonging is fleeting and fleeting! Nothing counts no matter how many benefits are evaluated! And to think that so many stole, killed and sacrificed the true gifts for him... With time and the thorns that time ago, it becomes clear that it is necessary to let go and learn to distinguish what really has value and that despite not belonging to us, we will never waste the time we had and have and the people we love because love is eternal and infinite.

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