Yesterday by Iel

sábado, 15 de abril de 2023

"No one escapes death, not the king, not the earl, not the pope"

"No one escapes death, not the king, not the earl, not the pope"

That was a saying we used to repeat in childhood games.

And truth. But the death of someone loved hurts too much to stay.

It hurts for the longing that will persist forever

It hurts for the pain of what will no longer happen because it was pruned by death

It hurts for the pain that the loved one went through in their last moments regardless of whether it was an accident or illness.

It really hurts!

Even Jesus wept for the death of his friend Lazarus and He knew he could resurrect him.

Even Jesus was afraid of death: He asked the Father to deliver him from the suffering of death

Jesus was not attended to, just as my son was not attended to, neither was I!

April is the perfect time to reflect on death and resurrection.

When you focus on death and the pain and suffering it brings, the pain becomes too intense.

and it can get unbearable.

Jesus came exactly to show that one should focus on his resurrection message.

I once heard a comment that Holy Week is the same thing every year: death and then Easter!

It might even be. But it is essential to remember our future life. Of life in eternal happiness together

to the Father that we will all have the opportunity to live together with our children.

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