Yesterday by Iel

domingo, 16 de outubro de 2022

I Went to the Holy Land


I visited the ways of Jesus. I recommend!

 It's an unforgettable pilgrimage

 I had never made peace with Jesus: it seems arrogant of me.

Who am I to fight with Jesus?

But the fact is, I never understood why my son left so suddenly. Couldn't believe or accept

After all, 28 is a very short time to live!

This disgrace that took us by surprise left me without understanding anything anymore.

He was a cheerful, intelligent, good and happy boy.

For me it was the end of the world and I thought I would never get up.

But I got up and for that I clung to faith.

 Even so, the sequel and the unanswered question of why remained in my heart.


I went to Bethlehem of Judah and saw the place of the Annunciation of the angel to Mary.

I passed through the sacred way in the same places that Jesus passed.

I saw the place where he was judged and crucified and the place from which he ascended into heaven.

I entered the Sea of ​​Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan River, my husband and I.

There I talked with God and when I entered the same sea where Jesus invited Peter to be a fisher of men, I left my sorrows and accepted.

However,  without understanding.  I leave that to our Father in Heaven. He who knows everything.

So my friend, if possible, make a pilgrimage to the holy places.

You will better understand and accept the life God has given you.

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