Mais um ano
Mais um
ano e muito a agradecer
pelo vivido
E pelo
consolo de aguentar o que não foi vivido
ter vivido muitas façanhas este ano com a família completa
imaginando a nova vida do meu filho
que ele está melhor do que todos nós.
anjos vivem tão bem que zelam por outras pessoas
certeza que zela por mim para que eu continue seguindo.
bem. Muito difícil viver sem um filho tão amado.
É muito
difícil não viver o que se queria viver.
Mas é
preciso viver enquanto há vida
E essa
vida que tenho deve ser aproveitada
E vivida!
Cada tempo e cada ano é uma oportunidade
vamos agradecer a Deus pela oportunidade que tivemos
e pela
que teremos
Paz em
One more year
Another year and much to thank
Thank for the lived
And for the comfort of enduring what was not lived
I wish I had lived many exploits this year with the whole family
I keep imagining my son's new life
I believe he is better than all of us.
After all angels live so well that they watch over other people
I'm sure you watch over me to keep me following.
Fortunately. It is very hard to live without such a beloved child.
It is very difficult not to live what we wanted to live.
But we must live while there is life
And this life I have must be enjoyed
And lived! Every time and every year is an opportunity.
So let's thank God for the opportunity we had
and by what we will have
Peace in 2020!
Another year and much to thank
Thank for the lived
And for the comfort of enduring what was not lived
I wish I had lived many exploits this year with the whole family
I keep imagining my son's new life
I believe he is better than all of us.
After all angels live so well that they watch over other people
I'm sure you watch over me to keep me following.
Fortunately. It is very hard to live without such a beloved child.
It is very difficult not to live what we wanted to live.
But we must live while there is life
And this life I have must be enjoyed
And lived! Every time and every year is an opportunity.
So let's thank God for the opportunity we had
and by what we will have
Peace in 2020!
Um comentário:
A new and good e-book: Mind and behavior in Adversity (kindle amazon)
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