Yesterday by Iel

terça-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2019

Say yes

Hope that in 2019 could be possible to live without suffering
Vibrate with small things spontaneously
To think before speak and never offend, even if you have been offended
To understand even without being understood, as Saint Francis of Assisi said

Let there be compassion for others even though life has not had the same compassion
That being light, physically and mentally may be possible and in order to achieve this that you eat less, exercise more, and live peacefully in your heart.

And even with time and distance saying no:
that be possible to travel in time without sorrow or resentment
and that the wind breaks the distance and brings that hug several times as a gift

It is always possible to start again with sincere and true hope
That with hope also comes acceptance, humility
and the recognition that time does not stop and takes away part of the vividity, agility and disposition

But time do not take away the love that conquers all, no matter time and distance.
Therefore, love is our greatest ally in everyday life.
our greatest peacemaker in times of inner war
Our greatest strength to go on and say yes to life

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