Yesterday by Iel

quinta-feira, 27 de julho de 2017

Ah the time ... oh space!

When I was a child I lived in a quiet town
I used to ride my bike and walked untroubled by the streets.
Our house looked huge and our street was the world

When I grew up, the challenges began.
I wanted back that time
Had a new space, new friends

Each space and time had its beauty
But often I missed the lack of concern
From innocent time and space first

The achievements came in a new time and a new world
And with them, more work and responsibilities
But also came the new loves.
So much dedication and concern was my trophy
And the joy of being able to ride a train was great.
Teach to walk and then how to ride a bike

I miss this time so much
From the parks we used to go to
Of the tours we did ...

Ah time ... Oh space
I wish I could tame you
I wanted to mix the two the way I wanted
Bring back and in a magic undo pass
I wanted at that time to have the wisdom that I have now
I wanted now not to have the baggage of pain that I carry
I wanted my son in this space, at this time.
But I think I feel privileged
I was presented during this walk
I miss you... so much miss you...
But the time is now and here.

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