I have sought answers and some passages of the gospel has made me meditate,
accept and live. I share the ones that most help me in Matthew.
"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God" Matthew 5: 8.
This Sermon on the Mount excerpt brings a promise that consoled me. My son was pure in heart, then he sees God!
. "... Your Father knows what do you need, before you do the order" Matthew 6: 8
If God knows what I need and let happen what broke my heart must have been for some reason, a purpose and that purpose was certainly for the good because it is what Marcos confirms when playing the word of God in 7:11, "If you who are evil know how to give good things to your children, how much more your Father who is in heaven ... "
"... None of them falls to the ground without the Father's consent for you" Matthew 10:29.
It confirms that nothing happens without the Lord's permission!
"Indeed, where your treasure is, there will be your heart" Matthew 6:21
My children are my treasures so my heart today is part from the earth and from heaven.
"... Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have their concerns. Sufficient unto the day itself difficulty." Mateus 6:34
Each thing on each day that is what it says. Or, in other words, there is no point trying to relive what happened because there is no return. Neither it is worth to be anxious about the future it belongs to God. Today is what we have, it our present, our gift.
"He who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. "Matthew 10:37
I Love God above my son and I accept my cross and follow him attending the call registered in Matthew 11:28: "Come to me all you who are tired of carrying the weight of his burden, and I will give you rest ... For my load is sweating and my burden is light."
Continued on next post!
"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God" Matthew 5: 8.
This Sermon on the Mount excerpt brings a promise that consoled me. My son was pure in heart, then he sees God!
. "... Your Father knows what do you need, before you do the order" Matthew 6: 8
If God knows what I need and let happen what broke my heart must have been for some reason, a purpose and that purpose was certainly for the good because it is what Marcos confirms when playing the word of God in 7:11, "If you who are evil know how to give good things to your children, how much more your Father who is in heaven ... "
"... None of them falls to the ground without the Father's consent for you" Matthew 10:29.
It confirms that nothing happens without the Lord's permission!
"Indeed, where your treasure is, there will be your heart" Matthew 6:21
My children are my treasures so my heart today is part from the earth and from heaven.
"... Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will have their concerns. Sufficient unto the day itself difficulty." Mateus 6:34
Each thing on each day that is what it says. Or, in other words, there is no point trying to relive what happened because there is no return. Neither it is worth to be anxious about the future it belongs to God. Today is what we have, it our present, our gift.
"He who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. "Matthew 10:37
I Love God above my son and I accept my cross and follow him attending the call registered in Matthew 11:28: "Come to me all you who are tired of carrying the weight of his burden, and I will give you rest ... For my load is sweating and my burden is light."
Continued on next post!
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