Yesterday by Iel

sábado, 30 de junho de 2012

To help endure the pain

Peace is everything!Over half of my life I always wished happiness to people and asked God for all my family. I always thought that the pursuit of happiness should be the greatest motivation in life and I know almost daily media broadcasts that it should be the highest ideal.I thought that happiness, the ideal of life, is won with beauty, prestige, recognition, professional victories of any kind or ground and looked for all these attributes with determination.After some time, when the disease affected IEL our beloved son, I realized that the most important thing in life was not happiness, but to health and started wishing people health and not more wealth or happiness.Now, after the departure to the arms of God of our beloved son Daniel (Iel), I do not think that happiness or health represent the greatest achievement than anyone might have. I see clearly that the most important thing in life is peace. Peace is the way to happiness even in misfortune, even in sickness. So peace is everything!I began to repeat:"Lamb of God who take away the sin of the world ... Have mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy on us. Lamb of God who take away the sins of the world, hence us peace, hence us peace, hence us peace sir.: Thy Peace "In my moments of greatest torment I repeat this phrase, spoken or sung at all Masses on Sundays. Even today, when the sword in my chest hurts sing this sentence closely: while I chew when I'm not able to sleep when I'm sad or when in my mind insists on the film's moment of greatest despair and greatest sorrow of my life. Believe that phrase does miracles!Jesus himself felt that this was the greatest gift He could leave us:I leave you peace, my peace I give unto you not give it to you as the world gives. Not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.John 14:27Peace is the comfort we need. It heals wounds, gives the certainty of accomplishment and allows us to be embraced by God.Today at various times I can feel the peace of the Lord, and I'm sure: Our angel is with God and wants to see us well. Peace is everything!

Um comentário:

Angel mom disse...

Thank you so much for sharing the link. I read your post written in English and my heart aches for you, Jorge, Eduardo and Jessica! I keep you in the same corner of my heart that I think of my aunt who lost her daughter many years ago at a young age. Although I will never know what you go through every day, I also know that a mother's love for her child will never be diminished. I hope you will find peace as you say in your post and that cherished memories will bring you comfort. Please take care of yourself - it is easy to forget to do that. I will add the blog to my list of sites to read regularly. Lots of love, Eveline! Viveka